2018 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS)
2019 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS'19)
2nd Bonn Humboldt Award Winners' Forum “The New Desire for Metaphysics”, Bonn, Germany
5th International Symposium on DEA and Performance Management
Analysis of Remote Atmospheric Air Humidity Measurement Methods Based on Acoustic Relaxation Phenomena
Analysis of current status of theory and practice of of Radio scoustic sounding systems
Convegno internazionale di studi “Le capitali nei paesi dell’Europa centrale e orientale: centri politici e laboratori culturali” (3-5 marzo 2005), Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italia
Development of Radio Acoustic Sounding Method in Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics
Estimation of the Refraction Index Structural Constant by the Characteristics of Radio Acoustic System Signal Envelope
Features of application adaptive antenna array in sodar
Humboldt Colloquium “Archaeology and Linguistics in the modern world. Exchange of knowledge in the History of Mankind” (Simferopol, Yalta, 20-23 September 2012)
Humboldt Kolleg "Education and Science and their Role in Social and Industrial Progress of Society", Kyiv
Humboldt-Kolleg “Chemistry and Life” devoted to 150-th jubilee of Volodymyr Vernadsky, Poltava
Mechanism making it possible to use pulsed acoustic sounding for atmospheric temperature remote measurement
Optimal Algorithms of Signal Processing in Radio Acoustic Systems
Peculiarities of Signal Processing at Radio Acoustic Atmosphere Sounding
Peculiarities of Signals Processing at Radio Acoustic Atmosphere Sounding
Rüstung, Kriegswirtschaft und Zwangsarbeit im „Dritten Reich“ / Armament, War Economy and Forced Labour in the Third Reich. Internationales Symposium, 15.-16. März 2007, Deutsches Museum, München, Deutschland
Science and technology as a basis of modernization for future sustainable development. Alexander von Humboldt-Kolleg (18-21 September 2014, Minsk, Belarus)
Siebter Kongress der Internationalen J.G. Fichte-Gesellschaft (06.-09.10.2009), Académie Royale des sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Belgique
The algorithm of evaluation of optimum directions and frequencies of air sounding by acoustic systems
The signal processing algorithms study of atmospheric radioacoustic sensing systems
XVIII міжнародний науково-технічний симпозіум «Геоінформаційний моніторинг навколишнього середовища: GNSS і GIS-технології»
Алгоритм последовательного сглаживания температурных профилей атмосферы
К вопросу об определении характеристик атмосферной турбулентности
завантажити наступні